Welcome to Sportzbuzz
Parent Info
Give it a GO
Thank you for giving SPORTZBUZZ a go - our fast paced, funtastic and energetic program is a great way to kick start your child's sporting future.
What you do
Provide all required contact and enrolment information to Sportzbuzz (ie child's name, date of birth, parent's name, contact and email adress details).
Confirm that you will be taking up a permanent weekly place in the specified class. We do not allow casual attendance as our numbers are limited and class sizes are small.
What we do
Make your child feel part of the Sportzbuzz team.
Expose your child to new and innovative physical skills using child friendly, down-sized equipment ensuring a positive learning experience.
Allow a maximum of 2 make-up sessions per term (for sessions missed), subject to availability.
"Hook" your children into being active at as early an age as possible.
$19.50 per session, payable per term.
Fees are calculated pro-rata to how many sessions remain in the term upon joining.
Once off admin joining fee of $30 for all new enrolments.
Each child upon enrolment, will receive a Sportzbuzz t-shirt.
Fee invoices will be issued on enrolment and then at the start of each term.
Term fees are set and must be paid in full, if you are away during the term, fees remain unchanged as your child's place in the class is held. There is no reduction in fees for non-attendance,
2 make up sessions per term, subject to availability will be allowed.
Session Duration
2-3 year olds = 30 minutes
All other age groups = 45 minutes
General Info
Dress your child in appropriate and comfy clothing enabling them to move freely - runners advisable.
Bring along a water bottle.
Sportzbuzz is NOT a drop off and go activity, parents/carers are required to be present during the Sportzbuzz class to attend to the needs of their children.
Siblings are not allowed to participate in the sessions and must be supervised at all times.
There are NO classes on public holidays.
Our instructors are responsible for the teaching of Sportzbuzz only during specified class times.
Your child is our business
2014 Sportzbuzz where kids have a ball